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Posts posted by Necinho™

  1. Pa stavljao sam da mi izbaci igrače npr. iz Slovenije koji u svojoj zemlji imaju reputaciju 120 ili više i ubacivao sam samo te što imaju reputaciju Sloveniji 120 ili više i tako za svaku od bivših 6 republika.


    aaaa, too...ma moze, ja sam radio od 100, jer mi je sa 120 nesto malo...ali ni ne moramo da radimo nacionalnosti ako bi doslo do pucanja. Ipak, kako vi kazete, meni je svejedno...

  2. Ma možemo i to da radimo,to sam rekao iz ličnog iskustva puca mi kada menjam puno državljanstva i nacionalnosti ekipama. :lud: Naravno mogao bi da uradim pa da testiram sezonu dve...


    Po kojem kriterijumu bi to radili? Ja sam kod mene radio po nacionalnoj reputaciji 120 ili više.


    Ne kapiram ovo zadnje??


    Inace, evo ti ovde nekadasnji sistem prve lige, verovatno tu ima negde i link do nizih liga: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_First_League_1991-92

  3. Evo da zapocnemo u ovoj temi ko ce sve ovo raditi, neka napise i sta bi voleo. Naravno, sta bismo jos mogli da ubacimo bi dobro doslo kao i informacije. Ja cu zapoceti da radim Istocnu i Zapadnu Nemacku. Sve informacije mozete o ovim ligama koje cemo raditi naci na wikipediji, i radite kao sto su tada bile takve lige. Ne mora da takav bude i sastav ekipa (ugasene ekipe i ostalo). Javite se ko zeli da radi i navalite...
  4. Ja sam za. Samo da vidimo ko jos oce i ko ce prvi sta raditi, kako cemo se deliti, i kakve ce lige biti, da ne bi svako radio na svoju ruku...
  5. Ima da se nadju podaci na wikipediji i svuda ostalo...Pokusavao sam ja nesto malo ranije al nije mi islo samom...Ako ocete taj predlog, samo recite pa cemo se vec podeliti nekako...msm ko bi sta radio i to...
  6. Ja imam jednu ideju za veliki, pardon, VELIKI projekat. Da uradimo tri ili cetiri nove DB i onda ih sve aktiviramo i igramo zajedno. Ovako: napravimo SFRJ lige i reprezentaciju, onda to uradimo i sa Cehoslovackom i napravimo i Ist. i Zap. Nemacku. Danas mi je to palo na pamet ali mozda je i mnogo da se sve to uradi.


    Ako ne to, onda cemo vec smisliti nesto novo, ionako vidim da ima dosta predloga  :)

  7. pa ne znam ni ja bas koje su ideje. jedna je da uradimo nasu super ligu al da u ekipe vratimo sve igrace. znaci stankovic, zigic, vidic u zvezdu, ivanovic u ofk beograd i tako dalje...


    druga bi mozda bila da uradimo neki nas tim u engleskoj trecoj/cetvrtoj ligi, smislimo ime, sve detalje, uradimo igrace izmisljene sa nekim extra imenima, uradimo nesto da bude zanimljivo...


    treca mi sad pala na pamet...da npr. uradimo ligu sastavljenu od ekipa koje su all-star ekipe liga raznih zemalja...znaci ekipa se zove Premier League i u njoj igraju vidic, john terry, torres itd, pa onda jelen super liga a u njoj moreira, lazetic, mrdja...itd...dajte i vi neke ideje...ne moraju biti moje...

  8. Ljudi, cacka mi se po editoru. Ajde da vidimo da se malo zezamo u ovim smarackim danima i napavimo neki nas mini projekat u editoru. Dajte neke predloge i javite se ko zeli da radi. Imam neke ideje vec... VAMOSS


    Part Two


    Tricks of football experts


    Today, football is decreasingly relying to a game, and more on the little things, both on and outside court. It is therefore logical that football is losing more and more the beauty of the game. So today we'll work out all the tricks and other tidbits of football coaches.


    Many people thinks on football tricks, thinks on dribbling. Some even think one the "dirty things" that players do and cheeky provocations. Of course, that we football fans do not approve that, but it's going to honor them. Let's begin.


    There are coaches who have their own some tricks on how to confuse the opposing team, but there are those who have their own "style" out of court. Many coaches like to throw in team surprise factor, be it a player or a well coordinated action. They believe that it is able to bring confusion into the opposition team, and sometimes coaches are relying on it. The surprise factor can even be a field, if you remember the 2004-05 season and the match at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea - Barcelona.


    One of the tricks of the great Sir Alex Ferguson could be one of the recent games against Milan (4-0) in Champions League 2009-10. In fact, he is in the first 11 included three wingers, Nani, Park and Valencia. Provided that all the three great deal on both sides, therefore, can be rotated more than two players, and therefore, do not let the defense of Milan get used to one style.


    Some, however, rely on tricks and individual improvisation. For example, players of Barcelona, do not have to always rely on tricks of their coach, but theirs makes the difference between the two teams. Therefore, in such a team, there is almost always a solution.

    Among the tricks, it may be called to the factor of surprise too, including sudden changes in the style of a team. However, such things can hardly smaller teams afford. Generally these changes occur rarely, and are made for one match. It is sometimes used to compensate lack of several important players.


    Oh, yes. How we could forget the old trick - injured player?


    I assume you already know what it is. A key player of your next rival in a very important match is at once - injured. Of course, it is never a serious injury after which he "will not be able to play the next match". And you guessed it, the player is starting match in 11. That old trick is still regularly used to interfere opposition team, and to possibly preparing something different, given the "absence" of an important player. All rarely goes in the right team and it is stupid to use it, because everyone knows about it.

    Other tricks that are not used in the field are mostly motivation of your players. Victory against a strong rival in an important match and you get two free days or nice bonuses. And you’ll see how they know how to play.




    Part One


    - The basic concept of football magicians: 4-4-2 and its flexibility -


    4-4-2 formation in the world of football is for all known as basic, the simplest and most appropriate formation. As such it has many of its variants and options in its system, each of them is different. The simplest and most widespread of all its variants is called classic, which, in relation to the other formations, such as 4-3-3 or 4-5-1, has plenty of advantages.


    Everyone is familiar setting of the players on the field in the classical 4-4-2. Many professionals use this formation more just on paper. It can be easily transferred to other kinds of 4-4-2, 4-4-2 such as the rhombus (for connoisseurs FM - 4-4-2 Diamond) or 4-4-2 presented as 4-2-2-2. Of course, it all varies from coach to coach, from little things that are actually looking for.


    As for the defense, we know that there are four players. Two defenders (also called central guards) and two backs. Depending on their taste and previous experiences, various coaches practice the various features of the two defenders. There are many who prefer to rely on a faster with a higher and stronger type of defender. Of course, by many, as well as my opinion, this is the best option. However, the two players must be well incorporated. Some, however, prefer to have a real wall in front of their goalkeeper, two strong and solid players. Of course this option, as well as any other, must have a flaw and just because we know that, we do not have everywhere to look for holes in. Let those who know how to practice their "habits". Defender must be mentally stable, that their concentration is at a constant level (example: Nemanja Vidic). These players not only fed the safety to a coach, but to goalkeeper and the whole team too. With all the above, the pairs at the position of defender should be rotated, depending on the rivals. The opponent teams have different types of attackers, as well as different styles of play and it might still be adapted to the back line (not only to defenders) to the habits of attacking opponents. At the present time, there is a more universal central guards. The best examples are the two best players at this position: John Terry and Nemanja Vidic. These are players who are strong, very hard to match, turning, excellent in the air, great physically and mentally prepared and others. Therefore represent the best of the best in his position.


    As for the backs (left and right), there are a lot of variations. They may be offensive, defensive and both. In modern football, backs are playing more offensive than ever in history of football. They represent the players who really much time spend in front of goal from an opponent. There are no more former backs, which hardly anyone remembers that once they rarely even crossed the center. Classic backs today must be quick, penetrating, with a good crossing, but the defensive duties must well too. How they playing a lot offensively, experts prefer to have a reservation, so often a central midfielder, mainly the defensive (we will later about them) covers the empty place left by the departure of back in the attack. During training, more attention is paid to their technical abilities because they are expected to pass on the wings again and again.


    We are moving on the midfield line. In midfield are four players in line, but here can be many different options and instructions. The central midfield players are the connection between the back line and attacking players. Some trainers in the heart of midfield often put "creative" type of a player and "bee" (we’ll call it Anchor man) and in that 4-4-2 it looks mostly times like 4-4-2 rhombus. The so-called creative player is generally excellent on the ball he great divide balls to wingers and strikers. Technically, he is brilliant. About our Anchor man, he spoils the game of opponents, stopping their attacks, often preventing counter-attacks. Many people says for a type of player like Anchor man that he "spoiling football game and not spoiling play of an opponent". Side players often play more offensive than players of the central midfield players. In many cases, side players (we also call them wingers, wide midfielders etc.) are skillful with the ball, around which there is not much controversy. Fast, swift, lucid, who can go outside or to enter in the penalty area. They are great in a one-on-one (mostly with opponents side backs), and many  know how solve the winner with one move.


    Forward players are a special story. Their job is always the same. Strikers are often paired like this: a fast, swift player with great "flair" for the goal with the more defensive attacker who often assists. Some still prefer the pacey attackers. Of course, it may depend on setting the last line of the opponent. If the rival has a slow defense (eg A.C. Milan), our team can easily take advantage of fast attacks. It is desirable, however, that the attackers are well coordinated and well to constantly promote each other.


    P.S. Izvinite za slike, mrzelo me je da kopiram linkove...

  11. Evo ovako. Cetvrta liga je bila na FMS-u za 10.3.0. i ne znam da li ima jos gde da se nadje. Pogledaj na njihovoj stranici na Facebooku, ako ne, onda je jako tesko raditi. Mnogo tih ekipa ni nema u igrici, plus postoji 8 grupa u tom rangu...


    P.S. Izvinite ako sam ih nesto izreklamirao, nije mi to bila namera...

  12. Tottenham Hotspur




    Počeo sam novi sejv sa ovom ekipom i par dana sam razmišljao da li da počnem ovde pisati o njemu. Čim sam završio prvu sezonu, odlučio sam da to uradim. Počeo sam sa Spursima ne znam ni ja zašto. Hteo sam, valjda, da nešto učinim sa nekom ekipom koja je jaka a ne pravi neke specijalne rezultate. Izbor je pao na njih i odmah potom sam počeo da igram.


    Posle par prijateljskih utakmica stigla su pojačanja u vidu Nicolasa Otamendija (Velez Sarsfield) i Simonea Pepea (Udinese). Otamendi je u London stigao pošto smo Velezu dali 4 miliona dok je Simone Pepe došao na (za mene) malo drugačiji način. Dao sam ekipi iz Udina 2 miliona odmah i obećao 25 po 40-oj odigranoj utakmici, naravno zbog nedostatka novca u transfer budžetu. Ne znam zašto sam ga toliko jurio da ga dovedem. Valjda sam imao neki predosećaj u vezi njega.


    Iz ekipe su otišli David Bentley (8 miliona, Everton) i Jonathan Obika (700k, Sunderland). Nisu mi bili potrebni i morao sam se nekog rešiti. Razmišljao sam da li da dovedem još jednog centralnog veznog igrača (prisutni Jenas, Palacios i Huddlestone) ali sam odustao od toga.


    Sezona je počela solidno. Remi sa Blackburnom, pobeda nad Wiganom i poraz od Aston Ville. Nadao sam se barem Ligi Šampiona. Ipak, desio se obrt. Kako su mi nailazile teže utakmice, igrali smo sve bolje. Pobeda na Emiratima, remi na Stamfordu, pobeda na Trafordu i isti rezultat na White Hart Lane-u protiv Liverpula. Bili su to sjajni rezultati s obzirom na raspored.


    U Liga kupu sam ispao u 4. kolu od Watforda na penale posle 2:2 u regularnom delu. FA Kup sam odigrao znatno bolje i stigao do polufinala ispavši od ekipe sa Enfilda rezultatom 5:1  :ohmg: Ali Liga je bila moje mesto. Od poraza protiv Barnlija još na početku sezone, zaređao sam neverovatnih 29 utakmica bez poraza pobedivši Arsenal još jedanput i borivši se sa Crvenim Đavolima do poslednjeg kola uspeo sam da dođem do titule. Pobeda u poslednjem kolu nad Wolvesima koji su me prethodno dosta mučili značila je kraj sezone na najbolji mogući način. Uspeo sam da osvojim ono što se priželjkivalo u narednoj, ali ne smeta mi.


    Da se vratimo na igrače koji su izneli teret ove sezone. Prvenstveno su to bili Robie Keane i Luka Modrić kao što se to i očekivalo. Irac je postigao okruglo 20 golova, Hrvat 7 manje uz oko 15 asistencija. Bio je uvršten u tim godine dok se Robie morao zadovoljiti mestom na klupi. Modrić je takođe bio i treći igrač sezone u Premijer Ligi. Odlični su bili i Ledley King, Vedran Ćorluka, Aaron Lennon kao i trojica na centru: Jenas, Huddlestone i Palacios. Razočarali su definitivno Simone Pepe i Peter Crouch. Pepe je postigao jedan jedini pogodak uz 5 asistencija i to me je jako iznerviralo.


    Ja sam proglašen za naj trenera sezone uz dve mesečne nagrade, u novembru i decembru. Na ukupno 47 utakmica, koliko smo odigrali u toj sezoni, zabeležene su 32 pobede, 11 remija i 4 poraza.


    Manchester United je završio iza mene, potom je sledio Everton ispred Čelsija dok u Ligu Evrope idu Liverpool, Manchester City i Arsenal. Građani su osvojili FA Kup, dok je Arsenal u svoje vitrine doneo trofej Liga Kupa. Iz lige su ispali Fulam, Hull i Blackburn koji će svoje mesto ustupiti Newcastleu, Midlesboroughu i Q.P.R.-u.


    Cilj za narednu sezonu je borba za titulu u Ligi, prolaz grupa LŠ i što viši plasman u Kupovima. Naravno, ambicije će rasti ili padati u odnosu na moje igre.


    P.S. Sorry što nisam imao SS-ove igrača da postavljam...

  13. ljudi, smorio sam se...nakanio sam se da ga skinem i kada kliknem dvaput na ikonicu, samo mi se pojavi na par sekundi ono pored kursora da se ceka....i to nestane i ne bude nista....destiklirao sam compress i nemam nikakvwe pecheve...pomagajteeee WEEEER

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