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FM2011 Patch 11.2.0.


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Sto se tice skidanja problem je do SI-ja, skidajte torrent...pise vam win32 jer nije skunut fajl do kraja...


Evo vam i ovo, mala informacija vezana za patch.


Ukoliko neko ima problem da ne moze da nastavi save:


Anyone who's suffering with 'the save game could not be loaded' - can you PLEASE do the following:


What version are you running? (Steam/Boxed/Digital Download)


Have you installed any of the patches previously (11.1 or 11.1.1)?


Delete your settings folder as shown here - http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/233554-Football-Manager-2011-FAQ?p=6066654&viewfull=1#post6066654


Once this is done, try loading the game again. If you still cannot load it, upload your save game to the FTP and we'll take a look. FTP details here - http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/154054-FTP-Details


Let me know, thanks.



Problem za load je u Poljskoj ligi (za sada samo za nju znaju)...ko god ima poljsku ligu ucitanu ili na view only, save nece raditi:




We're aware of an issue with attempting to load up older save games with  the Polish Leagues loaded - your save game will not load in  11.2.


This is something as said we're aware of and are looking into. If you  wish to continue your game and have this league in your save, please do  not patch up at this stage.




We'll look at a way of resolving this hopefully as soon as we can so players can resume their games. At this stage I cannot say for certain one way or another. Thanks.


for users running poland second division and have already patched:

Uninstall the game

Reinstall the game and reinstall the 11.1.1 patch if you want to continue your game.


This is for disk-in-tray users only at present.


Hopefully there will be further news.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Football Manager 2011 Patch 11.3: the last planned patch' date=' [b']planned for release sometime in March[/b]. It will bring the game to a “perfect” stage fixing all the remaining bugs and it will also feature all the transfers from the Winter period. Usually, the .3 patch of any FM game is considered the best version.



Za mjesec, mjesec i pol.

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Kak mi se neda več igrat s ovim patchem, s Dinamom sam 19 klub u Europi, redovito ulazim u četvrtfinale LP, a dobivam jedva 1M€ po sezoni :pras:




width=450 height=8http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/9174/capture1gb.png[/img]


width=450 height=8http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/5433/capture23o.png[/img]


Hajduk :o :pras:

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