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Championship Manager 1992


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Prva verzija CM-a, izdata davne 1992.


Evo nešto o njoj (na engleskom) :


In 1992 the first version of the Championship Manager was released.

Championship Manager was one of the first greater commercialised games in the PC world and I'm a fan of it, as I'm fond of manager or soccer type of games. I already tried almost all the games of this kind out and therefore I can say that this game created a new type of genre for PC games. This game really changed the life of thousand players, because it has its amazing similarity to the reality. I presume that most of you already know this game, but for the minority that never heard about this game, it was the first game of soccer to manage that captivated many players due to its elaborated details about the teams and players.


Although this game is very poor compared with the released games of this kind nowadays, the basics of the game already existed even so the players there alone had a couple of stocking statistics. The game was much more simple than the games now but still has many players who preferred it. If I compare them, to me with all the games that followed this one was most complete of all. If you already played some sequels of this game I suggests that you try this game to see the evolution that this kind of games brought out in the last 14 years.


But it's already time to talk about the game. In the beginning after you downloaded the game to your computer and installed it, you'll be asked to enter a code in the game for copy protection (they're supplied in extra file called codes.txt), have a look at them and proceed to the next step. After initiating the game you will have to answer if you want music or not and if you want your printer to be activated withhin the game or not! It's very strange but it is possivel to print the scenarios of the game and tables out and everything in the remaining portion, eventhough I don't remember how to do this, but I remember that it's possible.


Following these options you can create a new game and start to play. The number of players is 4, and to continue pick your team, and after that you can play. Then you choose the type of player you want to be as there's so many options like: moderate, selfish, responsible. I would choose the one that more fits to you. Then the game continues to a choice where to start the first division, second, third and fourth divisions and after these choices the game will finally start.


And now the game starts. In the main menu of the game you will find 11 windows which allow to execute all tasks of the game. The first window will take you to the next match to be played by your team. Second is called "View tables" and allows you to see your classification after each day's match. Third will show all seasons (which will show which team will play against you and the date of the matches). The following one is "club details", and as the name indicates, it will provide you with stats of your club, and is also can show information of your fellow co-workers, shows what the players bought and sold here, and very important - it controls the accounts. In the following window you will be able to see the statistics of your last game, add new human players to the game, see the players who had played badly, see who scored goals, etc. etc...

The sixth window is very important because it allows to buy and sell players. The next window is the one that allows to see the reaction of the owners of the club to your results, here you will get to see if you are doing a good job in the view of the board or not, and they can put you out off the game. You will be able also to look the avaiable places in other teams. The window that's called "national squads" is for seeing if your players are playing for their national team. The 10th window is for changing the appearance of the game. And the last window is for saving the game.


The qualities of the players increase from 0 until the max of 20, the higher the better they are, and keep in mind that they have many stats to be watched like passing, defense, creativity, influence among others, to be looked for in players to buy.







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