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Cake i trikovi starih lisaca - II deo

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II deo


- Cake i trikovi starih lisaca -




Danas, fudbal se sve manje svodi na igru, a sve više na sitnice, kako na, tako i van terena. Zbog toga je i logično da fudbal sve više gubi na lepoti igre. Zato ćemo danas razraditi sve cake, trikove i ostale sitnice fudbalskih trenera.


Mnogi kada pomisle na fudbalske trikove, misle na driblinge. Pojedini i pomisle na „namazanost“ igrača, na bezobrazne trikove i provociranje. Naravno, da mi, ljubitelji fudbala to ne odobravamo, ali to ide njima na čast. Pa da počnemo.


Postoje treneri koji imaju svoje neke trikove kako da zbune protivnički tim, ali postoje oni koji imaju svoje „fazone“ van terena. Mnogi treneri vole da u svoj tim ubace faktor iznenađenja, bio to igrač ili neka uigrana akcija. Smatraju da to ume da pomrsi konce u redovima rivala, i ponekad se oslanjaju na to. Taj faktor iznenađenja može čak biti i teren, ako se sećate sezone 2004/05 i meča na Stamford Brudžu, Čelzi - Barselona.


Jedan od trikova velikog Sera Aleksa Fergusona, može biti i onaj od skorašnje utakmice sa Milanom (4:0). Naime, on je u prvih 11 uvrstio tri krilna igrača, Nanija, Parka, i Valensiju. Pritom da se sva trojica sjajno snalaze na obe strane, samim tim se mogu češće rotirati nego dva igrača, pa prema tome, ne dozvoljavaju privikavanje odbrane Milana na jedan stil.


Neki se, ipak, oslanjaju na trikove i improvizovanje pojedinaca. Na primer, igrači Barselone, ne moraju da se uvek oslanjaju na trikove Gvardiole, već svojom imaginacijom i lucidnošću, prave razliku između dva tima. Samim tim, u takvom timu, skoro uvek postoji neko rešenje.




Među trikove, eventualno da nazovemo to i faktorom iznenađenja, spadaju i nagle promene u stilu igre neke ekipe. Ipak, takve stvari teško da mogu manji timovi sebi da dozvole. Uglavnom se te promene dešavaju retko, i prave se zbog jednog meča. Nekada je to da bi se što teže protivnik prilagodio onome čemu se nisu nadali, nekada da se nadomesti nedostatak nekolicine važnih igrača.


Oh, da. Kako smo mogli da zaboravimo onaj stari fazon - „povređeni igrač“? Pretpostavljam da već znate o čemu se radi. S neba pa u rebra, klučni igrač vašeg sledećeg rivala u nekom vrlo važnom meču je odjedanput - povređen. Naravno, nikada se ni ne radi o ozbiljnoj povredi posle koje „neće biti u stanju da igra naredni meč“. I pogodili ste, taj igrač se pojavio u startnih 11. Taj stari fazon i dalje se redovno koristi kako bi se ometao protivnčki tim, i kako bi eventualno spremao nešto drugačije, s obzirom na „izostanak“ važnog igrača. Sve ređe to prolazi kod pravih timova i sve je gluplje koristiti ga.


width=264 height=300http://www.taratur.com/files/sliki/taratur.com_Bekam_povreda.jpg[/img]


Ostali trikovi koji se ne koriste na terenu su uglavnom motivacija vaših igrača. Pobeda protiv nekog jakog rivala, u bitnom meču i dobijate dva poklon dana pauze. Možda neko putovanjce krajem sezone, duža pauza, lepi bonusi. Da vidite kako onda umeju da igraju. Ponekada, kontraverzni treneri umeju, da ne zazvučim grubo, malo popljuju po protivnickom timu, da ih malo izbace iz ritma. Nama se to naravno ne sviđa i ne bi se trebalo služiti takvim stvarima.


Postoji, naravno, još mnogo trikova i caka kojima se služe razni treneri, ali ja još uvek nisam dovoljno stručan i kompetentan da bih znao koji su sve to. Možda sam poneki i zaboravio, ali ne zamerite.


By Necinho


Autor i copyright: Nebojša Marković, Taktičko Nadmudrivanje 2010

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Part Two


Tricks of football experts


Today, football is decreasingly relying to a game, and more on the little things, both on and outside court. It is therefore logical that football is losing more and more the beauty of the game. So today we'll work out all the tricks and other tidbits of football coaches.


Many people thinks on football tricks, thinks on dribbling. Some even think one the "dirty things" that players do and cheeky provocations. Of course, that we football fans do not approve that, but it's going to honor them. Let's begin.


There are coaches who have their own some tricks on how to confuse the opposing team, but there are those who have their own "style" out of court. Many coaches like to throw in team surprise factor, be it a player or a well coordinated action. They believe that it is able to bring confusion into the opposition team, and sometimes coaches are relying on it. The surprise factor can even be a field, if you remember the 2004-05 season and the match at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea - Barcelona.


One of the tricks of the great Sir Alex Ferguson could be one of the recent games against Milan (4-0) in Champions League 2009-10. In fact, he is in the first 11 included three wingers, Nani, Park and Valencia. Provided that all the three great deal on both sides, therefore, can be rotated more than two players, and therefore, do not let the defense of Milan get used to one style.


Some, however, rely on tricks and individual improvisation. For example, players of Barcelona, do not have to always rely on tricks of their coach, but theirs makes the difference between the two teams. Therefore, in such a team, there is almost always a solution.

Among the tricks, it may be called to the factor of surprise too, including sudden changes in the style of a team. However, such things can hardly smaller teams afford. Generally these changes occur rarely, and are made for one match. It is sometimes used to compensate lack of several important players.


Oh, yes. How we could forget the old trick - injured player?


I assume you already know what it is. A key player of your next rival in a very important match is at once - injured. Of course, it is never a serious injury after which he "will not be able to play the next match". And you guessed it, the player is starting match in 11. That old trick is still regularly used to interfere opposition team, and to possibly preparing something different, given the "absence" of an important player. All rarely goes in the right team and it is stupid to use it, because everyone knows about it.

Other tricks that are not used in the field are mostly motivation of your players. Victory against a strong rival in an important match and you get two free days or nice bonuses. And you’ll see how they know how to play.


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