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Osnovne zamisli fudbalskih magova: 4-4-2 i njena fleksibilnost - I deo

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- Osnovne zamisli fudbalskih magova: 4-4-2 i njena fleksibilnost -




Formacija 4-4-2 je u svetu fudbala svima poznata kao osnovna, najjednostavnija i najpogodnija formacija. Ona kao takva ima dosta svojih varijanti i opcija koje se u njenom sistemu, međusbno razlikuju. Najjednostavnija i najrasprostranjenija od svih njenih varijanti je tzv. klasična, koja u odnosu na formacije, kao što su, 4-3-3 ili 4-5-1, ima dosta prednosti.


Svima je poznata postavka igrača na terenu u klasičnoj 4-4-2. Mnogi stručnjaci ovu formaciju više koriste samo na papiru. Ona se vrlo lako može prebacivati u ostale varijante 4-4-2, kao što su 4-4-2 u rombu (za poznavaoce FM - 4-4-2 Diamond) ili 4-4-2 predstavljena kao 4-2-2-2. Naravno, to se sve razlikuje od trenera do trenera, od sitnica koje oni zapravo traže.




Što se tiče odbrane, znamo da se nalaze četiri igrača. Dva štopera (tzv. centralni bekovi) i dva beka. U zavisnosti od ukusa i prethodnih iskustava, razni treneri praktikuju različite opcije dvojice štopera. Mnogo je onih koji vole da se tu nalaze jedan brži i okretniji uz jednog višeg i jačeg tipa štopera. Naravno, po mnogima, kao i po mom lajičkom mišljenju, ovo jeste najbolja opcija. Mada, ta dva igrača moraju biti i dobro ukomponovani. Neki, pak, vole da se pred njihovim golmanom nalazi pravi bedem: dva jaka i čvrsta igrača. Naravno da ova opcija, kao i svaka druga, mora imati manu i zato ne moramo baš da svuda tražimo dlaku u jajetu. Pustimo one koji znaju da praktikuju svoje „navike“. Štoperi moraju biti i psihički stabilni, da im je koncentracija na nivou konstantno (primer: Nemanja Vidić). Takvi igrači ne ulivaju sigurnost samo treneru, već golmanu ali i celom timu. Uz sve gore navedeno, tandemi na poziciji štopera bi se trebali rotirati i u zavisnosti od rivala. Protivnički timovi imaju različite tipove napadača, kao i drugačije stilove igre i možda bi ipak trebalo prilagoditi zadnju liniju (ne samo štopere) prema napadačkim navikama protivnika. U današnje vreme, postoji sve više univerzalnih centralnih bekova. Najbolji primeri su dvojica najboljih na toj poziciji: Džon Teri i Nemanja Vidić. To su igrači koji su jaki, veoma čvrsti u duelu, okretni, odlični u skoku, fizički i psihički sjajno pripremljeni i dr. Zbog toga i predstavljaju ono najbolje od najboljeg na svojoj poziciji.




Kada je reč o bekovima, tu ima dosta variranja. Oni mogu biti ofanzivni, defanzivni ali i oba. U modernom fudbalu, bekovi igraju mnogo ofanzivnije nego nekada. Predstavljaju i igrače koji umeju jako puno vremena da provode pred golom protivnika. Više nema nekadašnjih bekova, kojih se retko ko i seća, koji su nekada retko kada čak i centar prelazili. Bili su opravdano zvani spoljni centarhalfovi. Klasičan bek u današnje vreme mora biti brz, prodoran, sa dobirm centaršutem, ali da i defanzivne zadatke obavlja jako dobro. Kako igraju dosta ofanzivno, stručnjaci vole da imaju rezervu, pa tako često jedan centralni vezni igrač, uglavnom onaj defanzivniji (o tome ćemo kasnije) pokriva prazno mesto koje je ostalo odlaskom beka u napad. Pri treniranju, sve više pažnje se posvećuje njihovim tehničkim sposobnostima jer se od njih očekuje da prodiru po bokovima iznova i iznova.


width=400 height=240http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2009/5/23/1243095512517/Patrice-Evra-of-Mancheste-001.jpg[/img]


Prelazimo na vezni red. U veznoj liniji, nalaze se četiri igrača u liniji, ali tek ovde može biti mnogo opcija i raznih instrukcija. Centralni vezni igrači, predstavljaju sponu između zadnje linije i napada ekipe. Pojedini treneri u centru „veze“ često stavljaju „kreativca“ i „radilicu“ pa po tome takva 4-4-2 najviše podseća na 4-4-2 u rombu. Taj takozvani kreativac je uglavnom sjajan „na lopti“ i odlično razigrava bočne igrače i napadače. Tehnički je sjajno potkovan. Što se tiče naše radilice, on kvari igru protivnika, zaustavljanjihove napade, često sprečava i kontra-napade. Mnogi takav tip igrača i ne vole, jer kako kažu „kvari fudbalsku igru a ne igru protivnika“. Bočni igrači, često, igraju dosta ofanzivnije od centralnih veznih igrača. U dosta slučajeva, predstavljaju igrače vešte sa loptom, oko kojih nema puno polemike. Brzi, hitri, lucidni, koji umeju da prođu spolja ali i da uđu ka šesnaestercu rivala. Sjajni su u „jedan na jedan“ (uglavnom sa bekovima protivnika), a mnogi umeju i jednim potezom da reše pitanje pobednika. Mada, u zavisnosti od instrukcija za bekove koji igraju po njihovoj strani, neki se loše snalaze kada je „gužva“ oko njega.




Napadači su posebna priča. Njihov zadatak, je otprilike uvek isti. Često se uparuju brzi, hitri igrači sa sjajnim „njuhom“ za gol sa onim više defanzivnim napadačem koji često i asistira. Po tome, ovakvo uparivanje podseća na uparivanje bekova. Ipak, sve ovo zavisi od vizije trenera. Neki ipak, preferiraju brzonoge napadače. Naravno, i to može da zavisi od postavke zadnje linije protivnika. Ukoliko rival ima sporu odbranu (primer Milan), naš tim to može lako da iskoristi brzim napadima. Poželjno je, svakako, da napadači budu dobro uigrani i da se stalno potpomažu.




U ovom delu, pokušao sam da vam dočaram neke od standardnih postavki klasične 4-4-2. U narednom delu sledi: Cake i trikovi starih lisaca.


Kraj prvog dela.

By Necinho


Autor i copyright: Nebojša Marković, Taktičko Nadmudrivanje 2010

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Part One


- The basic concept of football magicians: 4-4-2 and its flexibility -


4-4-2 formation in the world of football is for all known as basic, the simplest and most appropriate formation. As such it has many of its variants and options in its system, each of them is different. The simplest and most widespread of all its variants is called classic, which, in relation to the other formations, such as 4-3-3 or 4-5-1, has plenty of advantages.


Everyone is familiar setting of the players on the field in the classical 4-4-2. Many professionals use this formation more just on paper. It can be easily transferred to other kinds of 4-4-2, 4-4-2 such as the rhombus (for connoisseurs FM - 4-4-2 Diamond) or 4-4-2 presented as 4-2-2-2. Of course, it all varies from coach to coach, from little things that are actually looking for.


As for the defense, we know that there are four players. Two defenders (also called central guards) and two backs. Depending on their taste and previous experiences, various coaches practice the various features of the two defenders. There are many who prefer to rely on a faster with a higher and stronger type of defender. Of course, by many, as well as my opinion, this is the best option. However, the two players must be well incorporated. Some, however, prefer to have a real wall in front of their goalkeeper, two strong and solid players. Of course this option, as well as any other, must have a flaw and just because we know that, we do not have everywhere to look for holes in. Let those who know how to practice their "habits". Defender must be mentally stable, that their concentration is at a constant level (example: Nemanja Vidic). These players not only fed the safety to a coach, but to goalkeeper and the whole team too. With all the above, the pairs at the position of defender should be rotated, depending on the rivals. The opponent teams have different types of attackers, as well as different styles of play and it might still be adapted to the back line (not only to defenders) to the habits of attacking opponents. At the present time, there is a more universal central guards. The best examples are the two best players at this position: John Terry and Nemanja Vidic. These are players who are strong, very hard to match, turning, excellent in the air, great physically and mentally prepared and others. Therefore represent the best of the best in his position.


As for the backs (left and right), there are a lot of variations. They may be offensive, defensive and both. In modern football, backs are playing more offensive than ever in history of football. They represent the players who really much time spend in front of goal from an opponent. There are no more former backs, which hardly anyone remembers that once they rarely even crossed the center. Classic backs today must be quick, penetrating, with a good crossing, but the defensive duties must well too. How they playing a lot offensively, experts prefer to have a reservation, so often a central midfielder, mainly the defensive (we will later about them) covers the empty place left by the departure of back in the attack. During training, more attention is paid to their technical abilities because they are expected to pass on the wings again and again.


We are moving on the midfield line. In midfield are four players in line, but here can be many different options and instructions. The central midfield players are the connection between the back line and attacking players. Some trainers in the heart of midfield often put "creative" type of a player and "bee" (we’ll call it Anchor man) and in that 4-4-2 it looks mostly times like 4-4-2 rhombus. The so-called creative player is generally excellent on the ball he great divide balls to wingers and strikers. Technically, he is brilliant. About our Anchor man, he spoils the game of opponents, stopping their attacks, often preventing counter-attacks. Many people says for a type of player like Anchor man that he "spoiling football game and not spoiling play of an opponent". Side players often play more offensive than players of the central midfield players. In many cases, side players (we also call them wingers, wide midfielders etc.) are skillful with the ball, around which there is not much controversy. Fast, swift, lucid, who can go outside or to enter in the penalty area. They are great in a one-on-one (mostly with opponents side backs), and many  know how solve the winner with one move.


Forward players are a special story. Their job is always the same. Strikers are often paired like this: a fast, swift player with great "flair" for the goal with the more defensive attacker who often assists. Some still prefer the pacey attackers. Of course, it may depend on setting the last line of the opponent. If the rival has a slow defense (eg A.C. Milan), our team can easily take advantage of fast attacks. It is desirable, however, that the attackers are well coordinated and well to constantly promote each other.


P.S. Izvinite za slike, mrzelo me je da kopiram linkove...

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